Sunday, 8 March 2020

OVC, June to September 1964

OVC-related pictures, June to September 1964, a period which included a trip to Pamplona

Helen and Dawn in their bedsitter in Penywern Road (15717)

Graham, having a meal in our first lodgings in Earls Court, a bedsitter way down in Old Brompton Road - at that stage we didn't yet know where the action is (15718)

Errol (15719)

Couldn't be in Earls Court without a look at the famous Exhibition Centre, the venue of lots of  interesting exhibitions and events (15720)

Noel, with our meal, lots of liquids (15721)

Anne and Iris playing the fruit machine in the Grotto at the OVC (15725)

Dawn and Helen (15726)

I soon got a job in the kitchen at the OVC - the following 13 pictures all taken there

Edward, an old London guy (15804)

Evan (Wales), the chef, and Mike (Australia) (15805)

Evan (15806)

Janet (SA), waitress (15807)

Janet and Judy (Australis), the salad bowl (15808)

Roy (SA) (15809)

Tom Lilford, restaurant manager (15810)

One of the joys of working in the kitchen was moving the scunge (15811)

Edward, Peter, Errol (15812)

Edward, Peter, Errol, off for a "coffee break" (15813)

Judy (Aust) (15814)

Edward (15815)

Dinner time - Mike, Judy, Janet, Roy, Evan (15816)

The following 8 in the girls' room in Penywern Road

Anne, Jock (SA), Helen (15817)

Wolf (SWA) (15818)

Iris and Sylvia, who had injured her leg while doing the twist  (15819)

Dave Lewis  (SA) (15820)

Dave and Dawn (15822)

Sylvia (15824)

Communal sleeping in the girls' room for a night or two before heading for Spain (15825)

Helen, Graham, Anne, Sylvia, Iris (15827)

Errol and Graham in Nevern Place outside the OVC, on the way to Spain - the planned bike ride to Spain had to be abandoned halfway to Dover when we found a road sign saying that bicycyles were prohibited on that road (a motorway) and we didn't know how to find an alternate route  - Graham bought a motorbike cheaply and we went on that instead (15828)

An iconic picture - the girls setting off to explore Eureope - Dawn, Helen, Anne, Iris - and Graham - taken in Pamplona (15930)

 Anne (15931)

Grahaom (15933)

Errol (16001)

Errol - back in Earls Court (16030)

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